This is going to be a very emotional and difficult post for me because here i am going to make you feel the real pinch.You know there are times you are ashamed for things you were proud of ,I am an Indian no I am an proud Indian I am proud of its culture and its heritage and god know i want to die wrapped in Indian flag but some tradition break you degrade you to such a level that u start hating your self.Most people know killing of girl child is practiced in India though it is illegal and they are very severe punishments ,this incident goes 24 years back when my elder sister was born to my mother in a hospital in Bombay ,it was just second day after the delivery when suddenly my mother woke up hearing screams in adjoining room on asking what was the problem nurse replied by saying it was nothing just a routine checkup but my mother insisted on knowing the truth and when she got a chance to look into the other room she saw fetus of a 5 months old baby girl laying dead in a tub. The mother in the adjoining room had chosen to kill, no murder her child who had not even opened her eyes and see the irony the girl born in adjoining room was going to have a great life i.e my sister .when i herd this story from my mom i could picturise the fetus of the girl crying dying in that tub, is there no value for human life is everything above a life ,we all damn know how valuable is our life to us yet they are few who die even before they can take a lease of breath.
Well written. But this cannot be compared to tradition.
yes it cannot be compared to tradition but in some families it has been going on for generations
I totally agree with priyank,bcos there are still certain areas where this evil practise is going on.I have only one thing to say to such people,now-a-days government is ready to grow the girl child on their expenses,so rather than being murderers,give ur child a life,let the govt take care of the expenses or go for giving the child for adoption which can be a sort of alternate measure,which will certainly make the childless couples happy!!!!
one can certainly understand the reasons of such behaviour of some people to a certain extent,but then rather then killing away ur own child,better give ur girl child for adoption,if u think she is not worthy of ur faulty upbringing.
that for support kajal
That is horrible, and so sad. Please don't feel ashamed though, you have nothing to feel bad about. You know that kind of thing is wrong, and even better you have publicised it. Publicity can bring an end to such terrible practices.
"You know there are times you are ashamed for things you were proud of"
Yes, I know that feeling. I'm British, I love my country, but I have to admit there are some aspects of it's history that make me feel deeply ashamed.
Your writing is really compelling. thanks for the raw post.
I just did a post about the world's tiniest baby...or that is the most premature baby...she was born at five months and survived.
To think that a baby could be treated this way, it is just too sad.
It is indeed disheartening to see female foeticide and infanticide rampantly.Need not be compared to a tradition but still exists widely around us majority of the times left undebated incontrast to other realities.The disturbing fact is when the parent of the same gender agrees to kill her daughter for no matter what reason either because of willingness due to obscurantism or being compelled to do so.Little does their common sense realise that had their parents done the same,they wouldnt have been breathing today.For me, it is pretty sad to know these whenever i read such in my english daily or come across anytime.I wonder if u or me can anyday in life live in an environment absolutely free of such disturbing practices.Can we practically? I'll be glad if we can one fine day.
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